His name is Harley Wolf, and he’s a werewolf detective. Might as well tell you right off. He’s also a vegan. Go ahead, laugh. Make your jokes. Like, what does he do, “stalk the wild asparagus?” Or: “Vegan? Isn’t that the old Indian word meaning, bad hunter?” Yeah, he’s heard them all. Lucky for you he is a vegan, because when the full moon kisses the sky, you might not think werewolves are funny any more. Especially if you’ve been killing baristas in Seattle. Harley loves his espresso and reveres the baristas who have mastered the dark arts of the coffee bean. Of course, if you like espresso too, or werewolves, or baristas, or Mysteries, you can go along for the ride as he fires up his Night Rod Harley-Davidson motorcycle, hot on the trail of the killer. Be careful though, Harley is in no mood for bad jokes when there is a real monster on the loose. Think about it! An angry werewolf high on a quad shot of espresso is not something anyone wants to meet late at night in an alley.
Or be brave and read "The Seattle Barista Killer" by the light of a full moon. Give it a howl...
Or be brave and read "The Seattle Barista Killer" by the light of a full moon. Give it a howl...